I happily did so, and she was thrilled with the result.
Not long after that, I was chatting with her on MSN, and the subject of her children's birthdays came up. It was just passed her eldest son's birthday, but she asked if I could do a Ben10 Omnitrix for her younger boy for early February.

Things got a bit tense, as the week before the cake was due I was invited to an assessment centre for a potentially huge promotion, so I had to prepare for that at the same time as making the cake. I wasn't as thrilled with it as I could have been, but the birthday boy loved it, as you can see from this.

I delivered the cake in person as I was closeby for my assessment, and one of Teresa's friend came over, she saw the cake, and as a result has commissioned me to make cakes for her three children later on this year. Things are going from strength to strength, and I'm thrilled. I keep practicing whenever I can, trying out new techniques, and looking for hints and tips wherever I can find them.
So thanks Teresa for believing in my skills, and letting me make your family's celebration cakes.