Next up was a congratulations cake for a colleague. She and her fiancee had gone away on holiday and got married while they were away. Some of the other women at work asked me to make a cake. I would show you more photos, but my camera was being evil and over exposing everything so I only have one rather dreadful picture.
I've also had 3 further commissions from people at work. A Halloween cake, a 19th birthday and an 18th birthday cake so I've got quite a bit going on at the moment. I also start a cake decorating course at college this week, 6 classes on flower work, modelling etc. I'm really excited about it, but a bit daunted by the equipment list they sent out. I guess I shouldn't be since it's all stuff I'm going to need for doing the work in the end.
Well, hopefully will update after my first class and let you all know how it's going.